IQ Knowledge Junkie

books that
Kenneth DIXON wrote.. #Book7otw #genius

I am the author of several influential works, including "LMAOKJ" (Learning More After Obstacles Kenneth's Journey), "LMFAOKJ" (Learning Motivation From All Over Knowledge Junkie), "IQKJ" (Inspiring Quotations Knowledgeably Justified), "IKJ" (Intelligent Knowledge Junkie), "KMSL" (Knowledgeable Mentalities Sustainably Lived), "HAHA" (Having Abundant Hopeful Aspirations), & “GENIUS” (Gratitude Ensures New Ideas Uniquely Silently) .. #iWillOwnaNBATEAM


You know when you play Scrabble you come up with new words? When you play WEIRDOPE boardgame VOL. . 1, you 'LL come up with new perspectives about life”

— Kenneth Dixon, best-selling author

"A constant search for the testimonies of others helps you grasp the reality of realizing that everything will be okay"

— Kenneth Dixon, award-winning writer

Weirdope Boardgame Vol .1

About Kenneth

I’m Kenneth Dixon, I’m originally from New Orleans LA but I moved to Baton Rouge and graduated school after hurricane Katrina. After high school I fortunately found my God given gift which was the ability to be able to articulate motivational words to where they was able to inspire many individuals that I ran across or came in contact with. This God given ability of mines have fortunately led me to being a 6x Author, recording 100+ Episodes of (IQ Knowledge Junkie) Podcast, being an Actor, Creator of WEIRDOPE Board Game Vol 1, Inventor, Appeared in magazines, NFL Player Assistant, and many more endeavors. Along the journey of accomplishing all these amazing things I’ve lost both of my parents due to them passing away and many more loved ones. The strength and courageousness that I developed along the journey of losing my parents had allowed me to eliminate fear in a sense which means I was no longer scared of anything so I just started dreaming out of my mind and I developed the aspiration of wanting to own a NBA team and an amusement park. It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

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website designed by Rakell Spencer

 “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”

-Luke 12:34